Nos actions

Club Alumni EM Normandie for the Planet

The Club Alumni EM Normandie for the Planet brings together alumni wishing to learn, share best practices and take action in favor of the climate and the environment.

As part of the Club's official launch, we organized a Climate Fresco in collaboration with Charlène LEGRAND (class of 2013), Samuel RETHORE (class of 1997) and Laurie BIGNALET (class of 2021).

Through this collaborative, fun and scientific workshop, participants were able to work as a team on climate issues, a subject that concerns all generations.

CSR Webinars

The Alumni Association is committed to raising awareness of CSR issues within its community.

To this end, it is offering a series of webinars from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm:

- Tuesday December 13, 2022 - Launching a CSR approach: defining the basics.

- Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - Focus on environmental labelling: anticipating its deployment in 2023.

- Tuesday April 11, 2023: Bilan Carbone ® and low-carbon trajectory: anticipating the impact of major groups' commitments to a trajectory: ruissèlement on the value chain.

- Wednesday May 31, 2023: Responsible communication: a major issue in the light of current news on greenwashing.

Open Talks by Alumni EM Normandie

In March 2022, we had the pleasure of welcoming Yann ARTHUS-BERTRAND to Open Talks by Alumni EM Normandie.

French photographer, reporter, filmmaker and environmental activist, Yann ARTHUS-BERTRAND is also President of the Good Planet Foundation.He presented his conference "Vu du coeur" and shared with you his career path and the reasons behind his commitment to the service of mankind and biodiversity.

An inspiring conference that brought together nearly a hundred participants, students and graduates of EM Normandie.

Magazine: Vivre le développement durable

For the 10th issue of Alumni Magazine, we asked Yann ARTHUS-BERTRAND whom we were privileged to welcome to Open Talks by Alumni EM Normandie in March 2022.

His interview in the magazine highlights the need to consider ecology as a global phenomenon, intrinsically linked to economic, social and political issues. It's a point of view he shares with the alumni we've mobilized, whose commitment and ideas are sure to inspire you.

Each magazine now has a CSR section in which we highlight our committed alumni.