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Launch of the EM Normandie parents' association and the new website dedicated to this audience

03 November 2023 Alumni News
Viewed 376 times

On 18 October 2023 at its Paris-Clichy campus, EM Normandie launched the "EM Normandie Student Parents" association attended by Elian Pilvin, CEO of the Business School. During this evening, parents had the chance to vote in real time, face-to-face and remotely, in order to elect the members of the association’s Bureau. The aim of this new representative body is to involve parents more closely in their children's schooling and to integrate them into the centre of the school's "learning experience". At the same time, a new Parents website was inaugurated. Specially designed for them, it has a more intuitive browsing design and easier access to the information they need.


The EM Normandie Parents' Association, governed by the law of July 1st, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, is a diverse body that includes members of each EM Normandie campus: Caen, Le Havre, Paris, Dublin, Oxford and Dubai. The association is managed by a committee of 9 members elected at the General Meeting of 18/10/2023.


The objectives of the EM Normandie Parents' Association are to:

  • Maintain smooth communications between all parties involved, including management, the faculty, students and parents of students, regarding the School’s operation and projects.
  • Help improve students' academic careers, promoting their integration into the world of work and bolstering the parents' network.
  • Represent parents in EM Normandie and give them a voice.
  • Actively support and promote the school in its actions, such as entrance panels and student loan payments.
  • Provide assistance to students in temporary difficulty, whether this is in the form of grants or loans, or to support projects requiring initial funding in collaboration with the EM Normandie Foundation.


Membership of the association gives you access to:

  • The student’s academic calendar;
  • An instant messaging space for parents;
  • A personal contact for individual support;
  • Invitations to the high points of the scholastic year;
  • Two special meetings a year with the CEO.


“Naturally, parents want to make sure their children get the education they deserve. As such, the association will be of real use and benefit to them. It will act as the voice of both parents and students, and will help them propose ideas and areas for improvement much more easily. Overall, our aim is to get parents more involved in the EM Normandie experience, for example by inviting them to conferences and job-dating events, as well as asking them to participate in key functions such as admission panels or as guest speakers. Their help will be invaluable in developing the school further, and we have no doubt that they will be very willing and committed," explains Elian Pilvin, CEO of EM Normandie and an ex-officio member of the parents' association.


Following a tie in the number of votes cast, not one but two Chairs were elected to lead this new body: These were Thierry Kuntz, father of a student on the Grande Ecole programme in Caen and Jean-Michel Lelouard, father of a student on the Grande Ecole work-study programme in Le Havre.


"I'd like to thank all the people at the school who are behind this project and who have worked hard to lay the foundations for such a meaningful future association at EM Normandie. I would also like to extend my warmest thanks to those who voted for me, and to tell them that my commitment will not be merely in an honorary capacity. It's a real pleasure to have the opportunity to work with these extremely dynamic and committed students. This fantastic group energy is going to enable us to work on the association's continued expansion and influence, and above all on the EM Normandie brand. We are just now working together to establish the principles of governance and the broad outlines of a detailed action plan," says Thierry Kuntz, CEO of ataWay-management.


"I would like to say how delighted I am about being involved in the early stages of the EM Normandie Parents' Association. I hope that, collectively, we will be able to live up to all the expectations of members and non-members alike. My commitment to the association can be summed up in 3 words: respect, caring and creativity. Our aim is to rally as many parents as possible behind a common cause: our pupils' personal development, by ensuring that they are fully integrated into the world around them," adds Jean-Michel LeLouard, consultant for DRAFPIC Académie de Normandie.


At the start of the 2023 academic year, EM Normandie will be welcoming 6,500 students across all programmes and campuses, including 2,000 new entrants.


A new "Parents of EM Normandie students" website

In parallel with the association's launch, a new "Parents of EM Normandie students" website has just gone online. It provides all the essential information you need to know about student education: the various programmes, the academic calendar, financial aid for studies, information on the procedures and times of year that apply to work placements, sandwich courses and overseas study, etc. All targeted resources for parents, which are now more accessible.

A 'news' section, updated in real time, has also been added for daily updates on the school's activities and progress, actions on the various campuses, major announcements from management, etc.

Go to the Parents of EM Normandie students website

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