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Team for the Planet: EM Normandie welcomes Philippe Moreau, ultra-marathoner committed to the climate, on his last 2 stages in Le Havre and Caen

06 June 2024 School news
Viewed 179 times

Running for "Team for the Planet" to draw everyone's attention to climate change is the challenge set by 62-year-old ultra-marathoner Philippe Moreau, a recognized top-level sportsman. From May 2 to June 12, 2024, he will complete a tour of France in 42 marathons over 42 consecutive days. At the end of each marathon, he holds a 42-minute conference, in which he talks about protecting the planet and gives the keys to taking action via the Team for the Planet mission. For his last 2 legs, he will be speaking on the EM Normandie campus in Le Havre on June 11, and on the Caen campus on June 12, at the end of his final race.

42 marathons in 42 days for the climate

Having raced at all the planet's extremes (North Pole, Antarctica, Death Valley, Utah, Alaska, Namibia and, most recently, Australia), ultra-marathoner Philippe Moreau has now decided to put his energy, mind, legs and public speaking skills to work for Team for the Planet!ultra-marathoner Philippe Moreau has this time decided to put his energy, his mental strength, his legs and his public speaking skills at the service of Team for the Planet!His incredible "Courir pour la planète" (Run for the Planet )challenge, which began on May 2, consists in completing a 42-marathon tour of France over 42 consecutive days, in order to launch an ecological message on behalf of " Team for the Planet ", anassociation which helps companies that are good for the planet.Each stopover is an opportunity for Philippe Moreau to spend 42 minutes talking to as many people as possible, of all ages, backgrounds and professions, about " the citizen actions thateveryone can take to combat climate change ". His conferences, which are free and open to all, raise awareness of Team for the Planet and the " urgent need to get moving to save this planet we hold so dear ".

EM Normandie joins forces with Team for the Planet

To complete his pharaonic tour of France, Philippe Moreau has chosen to set foot on the EM Normandie campuses on June 11 and 12, in Le Havre and Caen . This will give him the opportunity to address the students of the Business School, as well as the entire community, already highly aware of and committed to these issues.

" Holding this event on our Normandy campuses makes perfect sense given the school's strong commitment to SD & CSR issues. Through our Direction de l'Impact Sociétal et Environnemental (DISE) and our " School for Good " philosophy , EM Normandie is mobilized around an ambitious common project: tohave a positive societal and environmental impact by 2030. Philippe Moreau's messages in favor of protecting the planet resonate with us and fit naturally into our strategy. We're delighted to be able to help spread these messages to our community," explains Elian Pilvin, General Manager of EM Normandie.

For the Grand Finish on June 12 in Caen, EM Normandie will exceptionally welcome Arthur Auboeuf, a leading figure in the Team for the Planet movement, alongside Philippe Moreau.

Information and registration

  • At the conference on Tuesday June 11th from 6pm to 8pm on the EM Normandie campus in Le Havre, 20 quai Frissard 76600 Le Havre here
  • At the final stage conference on Wednesday June 12 from 6pm to 8pm at EM Normandie's Caen campus, 9 Rue Claude Bloch 14000 Caen : here

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