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What are the career paths taken by EM Normandie alumni?

04 April 2024 School news
Viewed 474 times

"School for life": EM Normandie is committed to its graduates' lifelong career success. Few schools give such a central place to skills development, job forecasting and career paths. The EM Roads Institute, an ecosystem dedicated to employment research and knowledge transfer, is the most recent example of this.

One of the first pillars of this commitment is the in-depth analysis of the career paths and differences in career paths of our graduates.

You are all familiar with the "insertion" surveys, which analyze the trajectories of our young graduates as they enter the world of work.

They have now been extended by a new survey that you are about to discover. This new survey is aimed at EM Normandie alumni who graduated more than 5 years ago (up to the class of 2018) and are currently working. It consists of 23 questions.

The aim? Crack the code of the most successful trajectories and share the resulting best practices with the alumni community from next autumn.

The questionnaire is open until the end of May 2024. The greater the number of respondents, the more precise the answers will be, and the richer the results to which you will have access.

The survey link will be e-mailed to the classes of 2018 and older later this month, so stay connected!

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